Happy Lotinga Staff - Happy News All Round
With the summer sunshine comes happy Lotinga Staff news and events. There is a warm and fussy feeling at Lotinga right now. Love is in the air.
Staff morale is so important. Here at Lotinga, we like to think of ourselves as a family. Happy staff means better service and happy customers.
To Amy and Louis who are expecting their second child in November. Could there be another future team member on the way?

To Rob, on his marriage to Sandy at Hadlow Manor Hotel.
He's a lovely chap and will make a fabulous husband.

And Finally
Welcome Back Alix.
He left for pastures new in March, but missed us so much, he just couldn't stay away.
We are very happy that he has returned and we have our tea boy back.
We have a fantastic team here. Lotinga is proud of the friendly and professional manner our staff conduct themselves.
If you have a problem, we will do our best to find the most cost-effective solution. We won't keep repairing a door if we feel it would be cheaper to replace it. Above all, we won't cut corners or sign off an unsafe door. So please don't ask!
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