Door Optional Extras

Door Optional Extras - What To Choose

Compared to other products, there is not a vast amount of Door Optional Extras to choose from. However, every item that we do offer provides a helpful and sometimes essential service.

In this blog, we look at a couple of them.

Wicket Gates

Firstly, we will look at one of the door optional extras that we only tend to recommend as a last resort.  

A Wicket Gate is not always easy to use, but when there is no wall space to install a personnel door, a wicket gate is your go-to.

Our Industrial Wicket Gates page explains how one is used in more detail.  But as you can see from this picture, the gate must be pulled back before the roller shutter can be raised.

Wicket Doors may be a bit fiddly to use, but they provide a convenient method of getting through your opening without raising and lowering the shutter.

Door Optional Extras
IP65 Push Button

Secondly, we take a look at the IP65 push button.  These mushroom buttons are waterproof, so they are ideal for outdoor use.  In addition, the large centre button is easily visible and robust.

IP65's also come in an illuminated version if you want something more exciting or flashy.

There are many other options for controlling your doors.  Head over to our Accessories page to see more.

For further advice on Door Optional Extras, please contact us